3 Important A/C Condensate Drain Concerns

A/C condensate drain problems

One of the functions of your air conditioner is to dehumidify your indoor living environment. During this process, water condenses on the evaporator coil. This condensate usually flows away through the condensate drain. There are several A/C condensate drain problems that can interfere with this efficient removal of water. Here are three of the most common.

Mold Growth

Since condensate drains deal with moisture, they are prime locations for mold and bacteria growth. Mold by itself is a health risk, but in a condensate drain, prolonged mold growth can create a clog that restricts drainage or and can result in water leaks and overflows. A chemical treatment can restrict the growth of mold. This treatment usually consists of tablets of a mold-inhibiting chemical inserted into the drain pan.

Drain Trap Odors

The trap in the condensate drain is U-shaped, and similar to the one under your kitchen sink. The flow of water through the trap prevents odors from backing up into your home. If the trap dries out, gases and bacteria cannot pass through. The result will be unpleasant, and even harmful odors that are not just localized, but can eventually invade the air throughout your home. It is important therefore to ensure the trap is always functioning as it should.

Leaking and Flooding

In addition to mold and bacteria, condensate drains can also promote the growth of algae. Treat the condensate drain pipe with an algaecide to prevent algae growth. Algae growth too, can lead to drain clogging, again, potentially resulting in leaking or flooding. Leaking and flooding can also occur if the drain pan that collects the water is missing or damaged.

For your A/C condensate drain problems, or other air conditioning repair concerns, contact Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical, LLC, online or give us a call at (561) 202-1422 (Palm Beach ), or (772) 905-3358 (Port St. Lucie).

Image Provided by Shutterstock.com

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