3 Reasons to Keep Plants in Your Office

Whether you work from home or in an office building, consider bringing a bit of the outdoors inside by adding a plant or two near your workstation. Here are three reasons to keep plants in your Jupiter, Florida, office.

Boost Your Mood and Immune System

First, several studies have shown that plants can help to boost your mood and health. One study had ailments like fatigue, headache, sore throat, and coughing reduced by 23 percent when plants were in the office. Other studies have seen improved moods just from having flowers or other plants nearby. They can also help to decrease stress, anxiety and depression, and help us to recover from illness faster.

Create a Better Atmosphere

Several studies have shown that plants can also have a positive impact on your productivity in several ways, making them a worthwhile and inexpensive investment. They can have a soothing effect and make your work environment more pleasing – aesthetically as well as mentally.

Plants near your workstation can make your workspace less clinical and more inviting. A pleasant environment will help to make the work day a little brighter. Plants convey a sense of warmth, and you also gain satisfaction from caring for them and watching them thrive.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Finally, some of the best benefits of adding a little greenery are related to indoor air quality (IAQ). Many common products, such as paint, rugs, and ink, release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. Modern buildings are airtight enough to keep these toxins trapped indoors. Research has shown that peace lilies, for example, can help to remove harmful chemicals and carbon monoxide from the air. They also infuse their immediate environment with a little extra humidity and oxygen.

Do you need more help with indoor air quality than plants alone can provide? Give Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical, LLC a call at (561) 202-1422 in Palm Beach, to learn more about our IAQ products and services. Our expert HVAC technicians can even provide personalized recommendations for your unique needs.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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