Choosing an Air Cleaner for Your Allergies
If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies, consider adding air cleaners to your Delray, Florida, home. Indoor air can often be more polluted than outdoor air, which makes breathing difficult, especially if you have environmental allergies. Adding air cleaners and purifiers can help you breathe easier. Look for the following features to choose the right air cleaner for your home:
One That Kills Pathogens
Environmental allergies are generally caused as a reaction to a pollutant such as pet dander, dust mites and other pest infestations. Eliminating these sources of allergens will help reduce symptoms. Our air purification systems use technology that traps harmful pathogens, even as small as 0.3 microns. The system then killed or activates the microorganisms. As a result, your home will be a healthier place to live.
One That Works In Line With Your HVAC System
While some air cleaners are mobile or only sit in one room, our whole-home air purification systems work in line with your existing HVAC system. When circulating air passes through the system, pathogens become trapped and killed before they enter into your home. That means every room in the house gets filtered, not just one specific room. Your entire home will be cleaner with a whole-house purifier.
One That Uses a High MERV Filter
Air filters use a rating system for their effectiveness in trapping dust, dirt and other contaminants. The HVAC industry uses the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating. MERV ratings range in numbers; the higher the number, the more efficient the filter.
Our air cleaners use MERV filters with very high numbers — between 13-15. These high-performance, whole-house air cleaners and purifiers are extremely efficient at eliminating particles that can aggravate or trigger an allergy attack. As a result, you can rest easy without worry.
Are you ready to have an air cleaner installed in your home? Give Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical, LLC a call at 561-202-1422.
Image provided by Shutterstock
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