Control Your Dust For Better Indoor Air Quality

Household dust is an ongoing threat to indoor air quality (IAQ), but it doesn’t have to be a constant problem in your home. If you’re struggling with dust allergies and feeling congested and uncomfortable, you can improve IAQ by taking measures to reduce dust in your house.

Change the Air Filter Regularly

Your HVAC system’s air filter is a powerful deterrent against dust in your home, but it’s important to keep the filter in top condition. Check the air filter once a month, and change it when dirt begins accumulating, or at least once every three months. With a clean filter, your system will reduce dust more effectively while improving energy efficiency as well.

Turn the HVAC System on While You Clean

When you’re cleaning, use the fan setting on the HVAC system to keep air circulating in the home. If the air isn’t circulating, dust will simply settle again in a different place. The fan will keep air moving so dust in the air is collected in the air filter.

Clean Out Closets

A cluttered closet presents endless places for dust to settle and gather. If you keep the space open, you can easily vacuum the floor and battle dust effectively. To keep dust off your clothing and improve indoor air quality, store it in plastic boxes or place garment bags over hanging items.

Take Spring Cleaning Outside

When you clean rugs and cushions, take them outside so you won’t unleash more dust in your home. Beat them on the porch to keep dirt outdoors where it belongs. While you’re doing your spring cleaning tasks, make sure you schedule your semi-annual HVAC maintenance to further improve IAQ.

Learn more about how you can improve IAQ with Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical, LLC’s indoor air quality solutions or give us a call at (561) 202-1422 for Palm Beach services or contact our Port St. Lucie location at (772) 905-3358.

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