How to Keep Cool During Florida’s Humid Summer
During the summer, the recommended thermostat setting for the best energy savings is 78 degrees. Though some people are perfectly comfortable with this temperature, Florida’s relentless sunny weather and high humidity leave others feeling hot and miserable. If setting the thermostat to 78 degrees in your Palm Beach, Florida, home leaves you still feeling uncomfortable, try these tips for keeping cool without lowering the air conditioner’s temperature.
Wear Cotton
You may think the garments that you’re wearing are lightweight and breathable, but if they contain rayon or other synthetic materials, they’re contributing to your sweating. It is best to wear 100 percent cotton garments. Cotton is one of the most breathable fabrics; air can easily pass through the material to quickly evaporate your sweat, and you’re more likely to feel the AC through these types of clothing.
Avoid Caffeine
We know that for some, the thought of giving up the ritual of having their morning coffee is unthinkable. However, if you can stand weaning yourself off caffeine during the summer, your body will thank you for it. Caffeine stimulates your nervous system and makes you sweat. Combine this with Florida’s humidity, and you’ll end up feeling sticky and uncomfortable. Although some people recommend drinking hot beverages as a way to cool down, that effect is actually affected by the humidity level. The higher the humidity, the harder it will be for sweat to evaporate and cool your body.
Take a Cold Shower
If you’ve come inside after spending long periods of time in the hot weather and you still feel sweaty and hot, you need to lower your core body temperature. Hopping into a cold shower, or even just sticking your feet under cold water, helps your body do just that.
Still feeling hot? Your thermostat may not be displaying the correct temperature, or your AC might need maintenance to help combat the humidity. At Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical, LLC, we have NATE-certified technicians and superior Carrier products. We’ll work with you to find an energy-efficient solution to the heat in Florida. Call us today at (561) 202-1422 in Palm Beach.
Image provided by Shutterstock
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