How to Win the Dust Battle

Fighting dust can be a never-ending battle in your Port St. Lucie home. While it is not possible to completely eliminate dust, there are several things you can do to get an edge in this fight. By being vigilant, you can improve your indoor air quality and make your home more comfortable for everyone.

Change Your Filters Regularly

Depending on the type of filter, you might need to change it frequently for maximum efficiency. A clean, high-quality air filter will slow down dust accumulation by capturing particles as they pass through the filter. Don’t forget to change the filter in your vacuum regularly as well. HEPA filters are the most effective at capturing allergens. Most residential HVAC systems are not suited to HEPA filters, but you can purchase a vacuum that uses these for more effective cleaning.

Upgrade Your System

Adding the right upgrades to your HVAC system will help you to manage indoor air contaminants. You can install an air purifier right in your HVAC system, so the air circulating through your home is cleaned as it passes through. Residential air purifiers typically have a MERV rating between four and 16. To get the best results, look for a quality system with a rating of 15 or 16.

Minimize Carpeting

The dense fibers of your carpet make a cozy home for dust mites. You can minimize the amount of dust in your home by switching to hard floors such as linoleum, laminate, tile, or hardwood. Such an investment might be necessary if someone in your home has serious health problems that make getting rid of carpets essential. If you must have carpet, vacuum regularly, or treat it with tannic acid to help get rid of some of the dust mites.

Cover Mattresses and Pillows

A zippered and allergen-proof cover will keep dust mites out of your bedding so you can sleep more comfortably. Cover box springs, mattresses, and pillows to keep the bugs out. Launder your remaining bedding using hot water to kill dust mites in your sheets, blankets, or pillowcases.

For more information about improving your indoor air quality, contact Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical, LLC today at (772) 905-3358.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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