3 Reasons Early Spring is the Best Time to Schedule AC Maintenance

Spring has arrived, and that means it’s time to schedule air conditioner maintenance for your Palm Beach, FL, home. You want your air conditioner ready to perform its best this summer so your family stays cool. Below are three reasons you must prioritize springtime AC maintenance.

Prevent Emergency Repairs

Wouldn’t you like to operate your air conditioner with peace of mind knowing you won’t need emergency AC repairs this summer? Repairs not only cost money, but they’re inconvenient. Ready for some good news? You don’t have to worry about unexpected repairs when your AC system is well maintained. That’s because nearly half of AC repairs stem from a lack of maintenance. When you stay on top of maintenance in the spring, the odds stay in your favor during the summer.

Ensure Efficient Operation

These days it seems like everything costs more. If you don’t want it to cost you the price of a small island to cool your home this summer, schedule springtime maintenance service ASAP. Your AC system has a SEER rating. This is an energy efficiency rating that determines the maximum efficiency of your AC unit. When you have your AC system maintained professionally, it maintains 95% of its energy efficiency for most of its life. Poorly maintained units lose efficiency, which means you pay more for unreliable cooling and potentially more repairs.

Preserve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

When flowers bloom and trees’ leaves burst open during spring, it’s not long before pollen, ragweed and other allergens affect the air inside and out. Air conditioning maintenance tasks such as filter changes, cleaning the indoor air handler and having the ductwork cleaned professionally keep allergens from overtaking the house. Having your AC system aintained by qualified service technicians prevents contaminants from building up in the system and circulating through the house.

Spring doesn’t last forever, so don’t wait to schedule AC maintenance. Call Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical, LLC to learn more about specials and other AC services.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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