3 Thermostat Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make in Delray, FL

Thermostats are the control devices for your air conditioner and play a major role in its functioning. Unfortunately, you may make mistakes when handling them, consequently interfering with your system’s efficiency. Here are some errors you can’t afford to make when handling your thermostat in Delray, FL:

Turning the Thermostat Off

Switching off most home appliances helps minimize energy expenses. However, this isn’t the case with a thermostat. Rather, your home’s temperatures begin to edge up or down to match the outdoor temperature.

Consequently, the AC system will begin short-cycling. The control device will turn the air conditioner on immediately after turning it off, potentially damaging the compressor and other interior parts.

Installing It Wrongly

It would help to place your thermostat in the appropriate location for it to function appropriately. Service technicians recommend installing it on an interior wall. Walls that don’t face the exterior of your home will have similar temperatures to your living area, letting your thermostat stay unaffected by changing conditions outside.

It shouldn’t be near the windows, exposed to direct sunlight or near kitchen appliances such as an oven. Improper installation makes it difficult to maintain the desired temperature in your home. The temperatures in the above places often rise due to heat affecting the thermostat’s accuracy.

Additionally, don’t position it near obstructions such as furniture. They can block air circulation, consequently affecting the efficiency of your HVAC system.

Not Maintaining the Thermostat

Like other home appliances, a thermostat requires proper care and maintenance to ensure efficiency in its performance. Its maintenance includes frequent replacement of the batteries. It also includes calibration to ensure the thermostat reads your home’s temperature accurately.

In addition, always ensure the device is clean. Dust accumulates on its surface after years of use. Accordingly, it affects temperature detection and reduces its responsiveness to changes.

Are you looking for a dependable air conditioning company? Our experts commit to providing quick and reliable services to our esteemed clients. Contact Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical, LLC for thermostat installation and other heating and cooling services in Delray, FL, and the surrounding areas.

Image provided by iStock

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