Whole-House Humidifiers: What You Should Know

Dry indoor air is a common issue during the heating months that affects comfort, health and property. If dry air is a problem in your Palm Beach Garden or Wellington home, read on to find out how a whole-house humidifier is the simple and perfect solution.

Whole-House Humidifier

As the heating system in your home warms the air (which is already seasonably dry), the air expands while the moisture level remains the same. This makes the air feel even more uncomfortable. A whole-house humidifier remedies low moisture levels by infusing water vapor into airflow as it circulates through the air ducts. These are the benefits:

  • Comfort – Dry air is a constant nuisance that can cause chapped skin, dehydration and sore throat. A whole-house humidifier reaches every room in the home to alleviate these comfort issues.
  • Health – Viruses are in the air all year long. The reason wintertime is “cold and flu” season is because many viruses, including influenza, thrive, multiply and spread more readily in dry air. Thwart the flu bug in your home by maintaining optimal humidity levels.
  • Static electricity – Static electricity is caused by the accumulation of charged particles on surfaces – particularly dry surfaces. Whole-house humidification coats all surfaces in the home with a thin layer of moisture to help prevent those annoying shocks (and it helps prevent damage to sensitive electronics).
  • Energy bills – Dry air removes moisture from the skin faster than properly humidified air. This makes indoor air feel cooler than if it were humidified to optimal levels, which is typically 35 to 55 percent. Humidify your home, feel warmer and turn down the thermostat a few degrees to save energy.
  • Protect furnishings – Where too much moisture causes swelling of wooden and porous objects in and of the home, too little moisture causes wood and porous possessions to shrink, crack and warp. This can cause expensive damage to wood molding, flooring, furnishings, musical instruments and more.

For the full details about the benefits of a whole-house humidifier system for your Florida home, please contact us at Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical, LLC

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